Friday, August 29, 2014

My Two Year Old

This, my dear readers...this is Phoebe.

My mischievous two year old....

She seems to think that she is queen of the house, ruler of the apartment complex, duchess of the windowsill, and ultimately closest and dearest friend of the garbage can, which has brought on the nick name "DD", standing for dumpster diver.

She definitely has it in her head that she is a person too. Her questions and thoughts seem to be:

"Why can't I eat that too????"

 "Wait a second, I only see two of those. Where is mine?"

"So...I get to sleep out here in this cold, dark, damp and stinky cage and y'all get to sleep on the bed....nice...I feel so sad. I guess I'll go comfort myself with a nibble from the trash can."

"Can't you see? I am shriveling into a pile of bones. I really want need that piece of chicken!"

"Look deep into my eyes. I. THINK. I. AM. STARVING."

"What is wrong with getting a snack when I'm hungry? My tummy gets rumbley too, you know. At least I'm not picky... orange peals, tin foil, cream cartons and avocado pits seem to do the trick."

"Hmmmm...what happens if I lick this outlet???"

"Why are you getting that thing out? I can clean this up just fine, thank you. Who needs a vacuum when they have a wonderful being like me hanging around?"

She has the nose of a hound (because she is one!). She is always cleaning up crumbs under the counters and hunting down flies in the living room. I think she has resigned herself to apartment life. Instead of chasing squirrels, mice and rabbits, she now goes on the hunt for house flies. She catches them, plays with them and then...ehem...eats them.Yes, I am sorry I had to share that with you...

When I take her out in the morning I often look out the peep hole to make sure nobody is outside the door, because if they are and I open my door, Phoebe will go off like a fog horn! Most of our neighbors are aware that there is a white, gray and black dinosaur living in apartment number **.

In case you are wondering, Phoebe is two and a half years old and is a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog. The breed was bred for hog hunting and is often used for this purpose down in the marshlands of Louisiana, Georgia and Florida. They are known for their will to work. They are brave dogs and will stop at nothing when they are on the trail. The males have been known to latch onto a wild hog and not let go until they are pried off with a heavy stick. They are one of the most versatile working breeds. They have been known to be used at cattle dogs, hunting hounds, livestock guardians, sled dogs, seeing eye dogs, water rescue, search and rescue and therapy dogs. They are high energy and love to run, play and romp around. Blue eyes are characteristic of the breed as well as, green, amber, and cracked (one eye with two colors). I have enjoyed the fun of owning and raising Phoebe from a pup.

Well, that is Phoeber for you. She is actually a really sweet dog. She has her quirks though! She would give you all a big kiss on the face if she could!

Rachel h.

About Me

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Hello! I'm Rachel, a 21 year old wife, mother, homemaker, and art teacher. I love Jesus and am striving to follow His leading every step of the way. I am married to the man of my dreams and find it a wonderful and fulfilling call to be a help-meet, friend, and companion to my loved husband. Blessings Always, Rachel