Tuesday, February 14, 2017


My parents have a cat named Buck, A.K.A "Puffle". He is a sweet boy. I like the fellow quite a bit, and I know my mom is pretty attached. 

Anyhow, I thought I'd also mention that he is a very strange cat. He loves the bathroom. "Why?", you may ask...well, he loves the toilet. It fascinates him. Every time you are in the restroom and you forgot to invite him in, he sits and paws under the door. Or, if he hasn't noticed that you left and went without him, as soon as the toilet is flushed you will hear him come running! All he wants is to sit and watch the water go down...

Poor fellow, he must not have much to do!

Update: R.I.P Buck. Poor chap should have never crossed the road.

Favorite baby shower gift

I have always loved my moms wooden glider. It was given to her when she was pregnant with my siblings and I. 

When I first found out that we were expecting I knew I would need a glider to rock my baby. My mom took the hint when I asked her where she got her glider, and she started looking for one.

I didn't know she had bought one for me, let alone had it special made by the Amish in my home state NY. My grandparents brought it with them when they came for my brother's wedding in January.

So...here it is! Also, the lovely crochet blanket on the back of the glider was made for Baby Eva by a dear friend.

Almost there

Tomorrow I will be four weeks away from meeting my sweet little baby girl!!

I've been having fun setting up her little corner in our room. It isn't anything amazing, but it is cozy :) The crib and furniture were given to us by our landlord and friend. We have been so blessed!

I'll have to post a more updated picture...it has improved since this photo!

About Me

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Hello! I'm Rachel, a 21 year old wife, mother, homemaker, and art teacher. I love Jesus and am striving to follow His leading every step of the way. I am married to the man of my dreams and find it a wonderful and fulfilling call to be a help-meet, friend, and companion to my loved husband. Blessings Always, Rachel