Monday, July 3, 2017

Pray For a Miracle

Dear friends and fellow readers,

    Please be praying for a family that is dear to our home church in middle Tennessee. Recently we received the news that the father (we'll call him Mr. A) is battling stage 4 lung cancer that has spread throughout his body. I don't know if he has been given long to live.  He has four children that are all still at home. Would you please pray for this sweet family and dear Mr. A. I am praying that the Lord would be pleased to heal him entirely. If this isn't what pleases the Lord, may He be the great Comforter and Healer of hearts as the family walks through this struggle.

Thank you for your prayers.


New Johnsonville Tennessee

We moved at the end of May into our new rental house in New Johnsonville TN. It has been fun unpacking and rearranging things into our three bedroom palace. Yes, I said palace. We now have so much space and E has her own room! I feel so thankful for our place and Z's new job.

The Lord has provided for us all along this journey. And oh has it been one! The last three years have been the best and most exciting/challenging years. They truly have been the best years of my life.

We recently celebrated our third wedding anniversary. It is amazing looking back over our lives as a couple. We have been through so much together already. These joys and sorrows have brought us closer than we ever though we could be. We only thought we loved each other when we said "I Do"! It is amazing how the Lord chooses to use struggles and trials, joys and happiness to bring us closer to one another and close to Himself. I can't even express to you how thankful I am even for the hardest things I have ever been through.

When we married we thought we would move to Memphis, have our first child within the first year, find a church, eventually buy a home and settle. Three years later we have been through four moves, lived at poverty level income for two years, lost a child to miscarriage, lived in an apartment infested with brown recluse spiders, and struggled with a thousand other things related to our previous hopes and expectations. Would we have chosen all of these things for ourselves? Nope. Would we be the people we are today if it weren't for these struggles? Definitely not!

Thank You Lord, for how You orchestrate our lives in such a way that brings You the most glory! What a privilege it is to serve in your ranks as a soldier in the Truth.

Anyhow, I sort of got off on a rabbit trail...

All this to say, we have moved :)

About Me

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Hello! I'm Rachel, a 21 year old wife, mother, homemaker, and art teacher. I love Jesus and am striving to follow His leading every step of the way. I am married to the man of my dreams and find it a wonderful and fulfilling call to be a help-meet, friend, and companion to my loved husband. Blessings Always, Rachel