Thursday, August 25, 2016

So...thought I'd share the news!

Yes!!! It's true :) We are proud to announce that we are expecting! Considering the craziness and the sickness I've been dealing with the past few months, I decided it was time to tell you, my dear readers. 

Part of my seeming inability to write on the poor neglected blog has been because I've been sick and because I've not had internet access at my house (and still do not). I'm splurging on my phone data and thought I would take the risk in doing so in order to inform you of our excitement!

Please pray for the health of baby "H" and keep us in your prayers as many changes are right up ahead.



About Me

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Hello! I'm Rachel, a 21 year old wife, mother, homemaker, and art teacher. I love Jesus and am striving to follow His leading every step of the way. I am married to the man of my dreams and find it a wonderful and fulfilling call to be a help-meet, friend, and companion to my loved husband. Blessings Always, Rachel