Friday, January 22, 2016


The snow is coming down out there! The center where I work is closed for the day because of the wintery weather. I feel so fortunate to have been able to stay snuggled in bed past the time I usually have to be at work. 

I'm sure that all the kids in the area are watching in wonder and just hoping that it never stops piling up! It is always fun to hear children talk about snow in Tennessee. They say things like, "when I was a baby there was this huge blizzard that brought I don't know six inches of snow!" And everyone else in the room gasps, except for me.

I'm from upstate New York. I HAVE SEEN SNOW. I've seen enough to last me a few more snowless years here in Tennessee...yet I am glad for the occasional snow day! 

I am curious to know how much we will end up with seeing as it is 9am and it hasn't stopped.

Getting snow anywhere else y'all? 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Moved Home With Goats

You wouldn't believe it, but we are back in the middle of the state! We moved in mid August. I am really missing Memphis, but it is really good to be home where our families are. We are taking up house with Prince's parent's for now. We aren't sure when or if we will move out in the near future.

 We actually tied ourselves down...(Oops!) by buying a few goats (as mentioned in the post before)! It's been fun so far. We got them on Labor day and have been having fun ever since.

My in-laws are excited to have goats out on the land again, as they missed having livestock out there.

Here are our five lovely Nubian/Boer cross goats.

This is Lady Jane:

Hesther and Elmira:

Winter and Clementine: 

I had been looking into getting full blood Boer, but decided better of it. People say that they find reasons to die. I believe it. They have terrible parasite load ability. They get overrun easily. So I decided to go with crosses instead.

Belated Holiday Greetings!!! (and update)

Well...I am ashamed. I let Thanksgiving, Christmas AND New Years pass without sending a cheerful greeting to my readers -- if I still have any, that is.

Nevertheless, I shall say, "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and...well, I hope you had a lovely New Year!!!" Again, forgive the belated greeting. Christmas was lovely and crazy! Now that we (Prince [not my husband's real name] and I) have moved back to middle TN from Memphis, we are able to spend a lot of time with family...especially his family -- we are living with them for the time being while Prince is getting his masters degree. Anyways, now that I've thoroughly confused you, I might as well tell you why Christmas was so lovely and crazy.

We traveled to east TN to visit Prince's extended family for three days. It was a lot of fun, but I was ready to get home. You see, I'm used to a small at-home family Christmases where only close family gathers round to celebrate the birth of the King. We have never traveled for Christmas and I had never spent extended time with Prince's grandparents or aunts and uncles, so it was a good experience to go. I am looking forward to possible plans for next year, and now I know what to expect [wink].

Since we have been back -- yes 5 months already! -- a lot has changed. Did I tell you we have six goats and two dogs?! Yes, we are attempting to farm while we have the generous use of Prince's parents pasture. Our five lady goats; Winter, Hesther, Clementine, Elmira, and Lady Jane should hopefully all be ready to have babies this spring. Might you ask the name of the handsome sire of these little ones to come? Yes, of course. We can't forget the big red goat named Roan. What of their guardians, the dogs who keep them safe from coyotes and other predators? Yes, these are the brave dogs imported from Turkey many years ago. They are called Anatolian Shepherds. They are large (female-100lbs male-150lbs) and have long fur. Our shepherds consist of two excitable, fluffy, loving, loyal pups named Beamer and Nala. Nala is my darling. She is sweet and watchful and gets her attention and then does her job. She is five months old. Beamer...he is a sweetheart (pet him and he'll melt all over your shoes and ask you to rub his belly for hours), loving, VERY friendly and always ready to sound the alarm if any predator (or chicken) comes within sight or bounds of the pasture. He is six months old. I am super fond of the dogs and am very happy to have them out here on the property. It would be hard not having them because I miss Phoebe so much.

Anyways, I think I've given you a fairly thorough update, and I will try to write soon! I'm sorry it has been so long!


About Me

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Hello! I'm Rachel, a 21 year old wife, mother, homemaker, and art teacher. I love Jesus and am striving to follow His leading every step of the way. I am married to the man of my dreams and find it a wonderful and fulfilling call to be a help-meet, friend, and companion to my loved husband. Blessings Always, Rachel